- A Hamlet in British English is a small village without a church.
- Hamlet is a medium weight competitive village builder where players are communally turning their hamlet into a bustling little town, by completing the construction of the church.
- Hamlet features irregular shaped tiles that connect together without a grid to form a village that is completely different every time.
- The tile placement organically creates interconnecting paths that the villagers use to access buildings.
- Distance between buildings matters, as resources need to be transported from one building to another. This leads players to construct boards where no two games will ever feel the same.
- Since the buildings are communal, this also creates a fluid economy, where players need to adapt to the emergent needs of their Hamlet.
A note on the Founders’ Deluxe Edition
- The Founders’ Deluxe Edition will have a separate print run that will come much earlier than the retail edition. We are focusing on this edition first, and then shifting our focus to the retail version later on in the year.
- This allows us to send the game to you a number of months faster, as we do not have any bottlenecks in translations and distribution partners influencing the size of the print run.
- The future retail version of Hamlet will be cheaper than the Founders’ Deluxe Edition, because it will be printed with cheaper materials and will not include any of the KS Exclusive upgrades we highlight above. Check the FAQ for more information.
- In the future, we may print a Deluxe Edition of Hamlet that contains all or some of the above mentioned KS Exclusives as a promotional item or as part of a future campaign, but it will not be called ”Founders’ Deluxe Edition” and will not have the unique numbering of this first print run.