From their own land and time, Mulan, Lu Bu, and Musashi were transported to an arena to fight heroes from other places in a cruel game of survival. This was a fairy-tale place of terrible cruelty and fantastic legends. But then one day they found themselves elsewhere again, in a world called Yashima. This time they were joined by another hero of legend, Bruce Lee. Together they find themselves in a new world, and unlike the kami masters native to this land, their battle is in the hopes that each encounter may give them a clue on how they may return home.
Yashima: Legends from Fairytale is both a standalone two-player game as well as an expansion for Yashima: Legend of the Kami Masters that allows you to add two additional players to that base game. Combine these two items with Yashima: Legend of the Deep Woods and Yashima: Legends of the Icy Peaks for epic eight-player team-based showdowns!
- Play as Lu Bu to shock and awe opponents with raw power and a cavalier attitude towards your allies.
- Play as Bruce Lee to counter your opponent’s attacks, turning their offense into yours.
- Play as Musashi to use unmatched agility and blur the lines between movement and strikes.
- Play as Mulan to exploit your opponent’s weaknesses with indirect tactics and redirect their own skills against them.