Bardagi: Claim for gold

Dissolution has occurred in the Vikings homeland; the country´s resources are depleted and there is turbulence in the society. The High Jarl has invited a group of brave people the opportunity to try their luck in a newly discovered group of islands. The islands are rich of natural resources and your task is to gain control of these resources from the Barbarian tribes currently occupying the area. The takeover is to be done in any way possible; through trade, religious conversion or direct conflict. If you manage to overtake areas peacefully, the Barbarians might join your clan and aid you in your task. There are areas through the island that stand neutral against any invaders and there you can buy or sell resources & learn runes. During the game, your clan tries to build up their region and over shine their rivals with vast riches and wealth. At the game end, the winner is the Clan Leader who collects the most gold!

Bardagi: The Claim for Gold is a card-driven, area management, adventure board game for 2-5 players, played in a number of rounds and each round is divided into 4 turn phases. Each player controls a group of Vikings; a Berserkur (your warrior), a Godi (your priest), a Kaupmadur (your merchant) and Knerrir (your Viking ship). These units are used to claim and overtake areas from the Barbarian tribes currently occupying the land. Players start at their home town and during the game, players overtake the areas surrounding their town to gain resources. Players gain resources each round, according to the areas owned, and with these resources they can reload the units, that are needed to overtake other areas, buy upgrades to improve their buildings, buy runes or trade resources in for gold. The aim of the game is to collect the most glory points within the given rounds to be declare the winner at game end.

Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium

Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium, the first expansion for Terraforming Mars, consists of a double-sided game board presenting two new areas of Mars:

• Elysium takes players almost to the opposite side of Mars’ equator, with vast lowlands for oceans in the north and a dry, mineral-rich south. Place a tile on Olympus Mons, the highest peak in the solar system, to gain three free cards!

• Hellas, the southern wild, includes Mars’ south pole and the enormous seven-hex Hellas crater that just begs to become a giant lake. Building around the pole gives you new placement bonuses in the form of heat and possibly even water.

Each of these maps consists of new sets of milestones and awards with relevance for that particular map. Place three tiles around the south pole to be a Polar Explorer, for example, or race to have the most estates beside water on Elysium!

Terraforming Mars

In the 2400s, mankind begins to terraform the planet Mars. Giant corporations, sponsored by the World Government on Earth, initiate huge projects to raise the temperature, the oxygen level, and the ocean coverage until the environment is habitable. In Terraforming Mars, you play one of those corporations and work together in the terraforming process, but compete for getting victory points that are awarded not only for your contribution to the terraforming, but also for advancing human infrastructure throughout the solar system, and doing other commendable things.

The players acquire unique project cards (from over two hundred different ones) by buying them to their hand. The projects (cards) can represent anything from introducing plant life or animals, hurling asteroids at the surface, building cities, to mining the moons of Jupiter and establishing greenhouse gas industries to heat up the atmosphere. The cards can give you immediate bonuses, as well as increasing your production of different resources. Many cards also have requirements and they become playable when the temperature, oxygen, or ocean coverage increases enough. Buying cards is costly, so there is a balance between buying cards (3 megacredits per card) and actually playing them (which can cost anything between 0 to 41 megacredits, depending on the project). Standard Projects are always available to complement your cards.

Your basic income, as well as your basic score, is based on your Terraform Rating (starting at 20), which increases every time you raise one of the three global parameters. However, your income is complemented with your production, and you also get VPs from many other sources.

Each player keeps track of their production and resources on their player boards, and the game uses six types of resources: MegaCredits, Steel, Titanium, Plants, Energy, and Heat. On the game board, you compete for the best places for your city tiles, ocean tiles, and greenery tiles. You also compete for different Milestones and Awards worth many VPs. Each round is called a generation (guess why) and consists of the following phases:

1) Player order shifts clockwise.
2) Research phase: All players buy cards from four privately drawn.
3) Action phase: Players take turns doing 1-2 actions from these options: Playing a card, claiming a Milestone, funding an Award, using a Standard project, converting plant into greenery tiles (and raising oxygen), converting heat into a temperature raise, and using the action of a card in play. The turn continues around the table (sometimes several laps) until all players have passed.
4) Production phase: Players get resources according to their terraform rating and production parameters.

When the three global parameters (temperature, oxygen, ocean) have all reached their goal, the terraforming is complete, and the game ends after that generation. Count your Terraform Rating and other VPs to determine the winning corporation!

Terraforming Mars: Venus Next

Terraforming Mars: Venus Next, the second expansion for the Terraforming Mars base game, has players building flying cities and making the atmosphere more hospitable on the deadly planet Venus.
In Venus Next, the World Government chooses to also fund the terraforming of Venus. Around 50 project cards and 5 corporations are added, with a special focus on how to make Venus habitable. With the new floater resource, a new milestone, a new award, a new tag, and a new terraforming parameter, players are given more paths to victory and an even more varied play.

Medieval Battle

Medieval Battle is a model battle game, with two players each commanding an army of knights. Players start by building a battlefield, recruiting knights to their army, then deploying them. Players act in turn to maneuver their knights on the battlefield, and the combat potential for each type of troop differs, with heavy armored units moving more slowly and fighting better than lighter units. Pikemen can stop cavalry, while archers and longbowmen want to keep enemy units below them and light cavalry are ideal for chasing archers on horseback. The unique system of combat results has no randomness.

Players look for advantages and opportunities, attacking the enemy when it’s too tired to run, for example, or claiming good terrain position. By using the power and mobility of his forces, a player tries to control more strategic points than his opponent and thereby win the game.


Med vekt på opp til 1000 kg, og høyde på over 3 meter, så er bjørnen sett på som å være verdens tyngste kjøtteteren på land. Det er selvsagt ikke bare “en bjørn”, men faktisk veldig mange avarter som er veldig forskjellige fra hverandre på mange måter. For eksempel så veier brunbjørnen omtrent 1000 kg. Isbjørnen veier omtrent “kun” 500kg til sammenligning. Men isbjørnen kan bli mye høyere enn brunbjørnen. Den kan faktisk bli så høy som 3,3 meter.

Bärenpark tar deg med inn i bjørnenes rike, og utfordrer deg til å bygge din egen bjørnepark. Kunne du tenke deg enda et område med isbjørner fremfor koalabjørner? Besøkende i parken kommer garantert til å bli sultne på sin ferd gjennom parken, så det er viktig at du også bygger spisesteder i parken din. Uansett hvilke valg du tar, så må du velge byggetillatelser med omhu, og utnytt landområdene dine på smartest mulig måte! (Neida, koalabjørner er egentlig ikke bjørner, men de er så søte at vi måtte nesten ta dem med i spillet.)

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