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The Isle of Cats – Kickstarter All-In (5-6 pl. exp. + KS Pack + stretch goals)

kr1.297,00 kr1.100,00

Inkluderer både utvidelsen for flere spillere, Eksklusiv Kickstarterpakke, samt alle stretch goals fra kampanjen

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Varenummer: GGIsleOfCatsKS Kategorier: ,


You are citizens of Squall’s End on a rescue mission to The Isle of Cats and must rescue as many cats as possible before the evil Lord Vesh arrives. Each cat is represented by a unique tile and belongs to a family, you must find a way to make them all fit on your boat while keeping families together.

You will need to manage resources as you draft cards to explore the island, rescue cats, find treasures, befriend Oshax and read ancient lessons. Each lesson you collect will give you another personal way of scoring points, in addition to filling your boat and keeping cat families together!

To expand the base game, we are offering a 5 & 6 player expansion adding more lesson cards, cats, treasures and 2 extra boats to the game. Not only does this expansion add support for 2 extra players, but it also adds more variety and options to the base game extending the replayability offered by the game.